NewsSummer 2022 Newsletter

The Planning Commission staff has been underway with an update to the 2030 Focus Comprehensive Plan, the community’s long-range planning document. The update process is slated to wrap up by the end of the calendar year. However, due to the 2021 tornados and other challenges causing delay, we have had to make changes and shorten our planned activities. Session 4, 5 & 6 have been combined in July to try and make up for lost time. Also, we have shifted the small cities and focal point plan reviews until next year.


We have published two of three videos for July, with the third going live in the next few weeks. Session 4 has a video and resources covering the Natural & Cultural Resources element. The Session 5 video and resource page outlines the Parks & Recreation element. See the Session 5 page. Session 6 will give a summary of the Community Facilities element. August 22nd is our next anticipated public meeting for Session 7, Transportation. Look for a video about the second week of August. The meeting will be held at the City of Bowling Green Neighborhood and Community Services building at 707 East Main Avenue in the Community Room. It is located at the top of hospital hill near the water tower. Use the lower parking lot and entrance.