Program Information

Warren County is located in a karst region that is filled with caves, sinkholes, springs, underground streams and other features. The area has very few surface streams and rivers, but we still have floodplain and drainage issues. Flooding can occur from river and creek flooding, flash flooding from interior streams, and flooding from overloaded storm and karst systems. Bowling Green and Warren County are participants in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and are responsible for enforcing floodplain management ordinances and for administrating both the National Flood Insurance Program and Floodplain Management Program. To encourage communities to establish sound floodplain management programs that go beyond the NFIP minimum requirements, in 1990 the Community Rating System (CRS) was created by FEMA. By participating in the CRS program, citizens in our community are eligible to receive discounts on flood insurance premiums.


Please see the links below for both surface and subsurface water level monitoring, city & county stormwater programs, and links to other state & federal resources.



Local Floodplain Manager

Jacob Merriman

Local Flood Plain Map with Map Corrections