We're Updating our Master Plan!

We’re in the process of updating our Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Review and comment on the community’s short- and long-range planning document for bicycle and pedestrian improvements. Check out our web map to view our proposed project priorities. Questions or concerns? Email info@bikewalkbg.org.

What is BikeWalk BG?

Bicycle and pedestrian planning efforts are organized and conducted by the Bowling Green-Warren County MPO. While the MPO does not have a budget nor carries the responsibility of constructing bicycle and pedestrian facilities, the MPO does work with various local agencies to implement planning projects for improved multimodal access. These multimodal planning activities are carried out by a subcommittee of the MPO’s Technical Advisory Committee – the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). All BPAC meetings are open to the public and are held the 2nd Monday of every even-numbered month at 4:00 p.m. at the City-County Planning Commission – see the calendar for our upcoming meeting.


If you’re interested in learning more about bicycle and pedestrian programs offered in our community, check out the resources available through BikeWalkBG.